Vitamin G  |  Wholefood Guru

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Vitamin G

Vitamin G 

Vitamin G, also known as vitamin B2 or riboflavin, was discovered in 1932 and was given its name and identity in 1937. It is an important factor in growth and development of the body and promotes a healthy condition of the skin. It is especially valuable in combination with vitamin A for the prevention and correction of cataracts and for the health of the skin, hair and eyes. 

Vitamin G is water-soluble, it is not easily stored in the body and it is affected by light but not air or heat. An important chemical function of this vitamin is to break down starches and sugars into energy. This enables the body to better resist infectious disease and is necessary for good health and vitality. 

There are several signs of a lack or deficiency of vitamin G that can include: inflammation of the eye, eyelids as well as inflamed lips or cracking of the skin in the corners of the mouth. Other symptoms can be a lack of appetite, muscular weakness or stiffness and scalp conditions such as dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis. Some people can have an anemic or pale complexion, while others may have a dark red or purplish tongue or even poor digestion.  

Good sources of vitamin G are the tops of turnips, beets, and dandelions. In addition, wheat germ provides this vitamin as well as peanuts, blueberries, dried prunes, cheese, eggs, apples, watercress, dark leafy greens and the glandular parts of beef. 

When adding a supplement of riboflavin or vitamin G to your system, it is recommended to add a supplement that is made from whole-food versus an isolated synthetic version of B vitamins.  

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